Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How I Got Into This Business

I've had a few people ask me how I got into this business and thought it would make a good blog entry. A few months ago I got out of the shower and went to put on my Bath & Body Works body lotion only to find I only had a little bit left (not enough to moisturize my whole body). I thought to myself "Didn't I just buy this a couple weeks ago??? I should just make my own." So of course I went straight to the computer and started researching. In that research I noticed essential oils being mentioned so I started researching aromatherapy. THAT WAS IT! Hook, line, and sinker. So now I am completely addicted to aromatherapy, both the utilization and studying of it. I love helping others and doing things that brighten someone's day so aromatherapy is a great channel for me to do that through.It wasn't just aromatherapy that brought me to start Aromas of Eden though. I have always been fascinated with scents from as far back as I can remember. I started wearing my mom's various Estee Lauder and Elizabeth Taylor perfumes when I was 4. At Christmas or my birthday friends and family have always bought me some sort of a scented product because they know they can't go wrong with that. So I have found what I love to do, I just have to make a success out of it

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